Friday, January 11, 2013

Overcoming negative emotions

"Give ALL your worries and cares to God, for He cares about you"-1 Peter 5:7 (NLT)

As I ponder on this verse, I think about the events in my world this past week. There were lay-offs recently at my place of employment. Since then, there have been rumours that there may be more. As a single woman, that's not news that you want to hear. Next I receive my first paycheck of 2013! To my surprise, (not really) more taxes have been taken out making my paycheck much smaller than it was last year. Mind you, last year I already thought that my paycheck was too small to begin with. Then tending to my mother's physical needs as she battles an incurable disease and ensuring that she receives the best possible care at an affordable price! Then basically trying to find ways to navigate through situations and/or get rid of feelings that you know are not in your best interest......Whew! I am exhausted just writing about all of this. Yet there is so much more that I could share, but I won't bore you with the rest.

As I meditate on this verse, I realize that I don't have to carry these burdens on my own. There IS someone who is WILLING and ABLE to do this for me. None of these circumstances came as a surprise to God! He knew ahead of time that this was going to happen and He ALREADY has a plan in place to resolve them perfectly. ALL I have to do and just trust that He will!!

The thing is, giving Him all our cares is not the challenge...BELIEVING that he CARES about you is unfortunately the difficulty. There are times when I struggle with this concept... even though I profess to be a Christian and have been for a long time. I struggle because I know the inappropriate thoughts and "UnChrist-like" deeds that I have committed......Then I meditate on another verse...

"No fear exists where His love is. Rather, perfect love gets rid of fear, because fear involves punishment. The person who lives in fear doesn't have perfect love"-1 John 4:18 (God's Word Translation).

God loves me, He really LOVES me...He sacrificed His Son...... for ME. So there isn't anything He wouldn't do for me, as long as it is in His will, which is perfect!!! He is not going to punish me for my poor choices. Jesus' love makes it safe for me to confess them and when I do, He will forgive me. Nonetheless, this does not give me license to blatantly sin. However when I do, I have the assurance that He will not love us less because of our behaviors and choices. I will still have to suffer the consequences of my choices, BUT He will love me regardless!! That brings me such comfort!!

These revelations have helped me. I understand that any challenge that may come my way, Jesus will resolve them. In His way and in His time!! All we have to do is trust Him.

Now this word is for Christians ONLY!!!! If you have not made Jesus, your Lord and Savior, you can do that right now. Then you will be able to experience this freedom that I am talking about. All you have to do is say a short prayer. It could go something like this:

" Father, I am sorry for doing things my own way and not trusting You as I should. Please forgive me! Thank you for loving me and sacrificing Your Son for me. In Jesus' name, Amen"  

That's it!!! If you've said this prayer, Welcome!!! You are officially "adopted" into THEE Royal Family!!!

I hope these words will empower and encourage you as you go through this next week and the weeks and months to come. I want to leave you with a prayer:

" Father, thank you for loving us even though we don't deserve it. Thank you for leaving us with Your Holy Spirit to direct us on this journey called LIFE. Holy Spirit do Your work in us so that we can become more like Jesus everyday. Help us to love one another as You have loved us. In Jesus' name. Amen".

Until next time....


  1. Great stuff Cheryl! Be Encouraged and Be Blessed

  2. Thanks, Cheryl, for your encouraging words. I especially liked that you specifically mentioned that these promises are only for those who have put their trust in Christ alone.
